Monday, January 23, 2012


In the beginning I was, and now I AM- watch and see- says the Lord- what I will do in two months- What I am about to do has not been for a time- It shall be the Justice of the poor and the needy, The widows, and the wretched- surely I say to you- get ready- for they are coming- you have cried out and so I am answering- These that I am bringing are the chosen ones that you are to help- Lift them- Lift them I say- Be ready I say They are coming! You are my provision for for them and I am your provision- in this hour I am sending you many in need of healing (their souls and emotions) My provision for you is being released now! You shall receive abundance for your good work. I am preparing a refuge for you. Do not be moved by what your eyes see- But know that I am He that can reveal you or hide you as I please. Know that I will honor you greatly for this says the Lord.