Sunday, January 20, 2013


jesus says in john 14:15 and 21 he says if you love me keep my commandments,so in galations 1;1-11 it talks about another gospel being preached,so if he says keep my commandments if we love him.when a ministry says that we do not have to keep them, who is preaching another gospel? when they say we worship on sun-day and do not have to keep the law,who is preaching another gospel. those that love him and does what he says, are those who do not do what he says. simple those who do not do what he alot of so called churches are teaching open (rebellion) towards the one we love and we are suppose to sat silent.i do not think so it is time to (expose) these money hungry false christian bastards.teaching against the one who SAVED ME YOU MUST BE CRAZY JESUS HAS SOME DEVOTED MEN OUT HERE AND I AM ONE OF THEM.ENOUGH ENOUGH, I WILL EXPOSE THESE FALSE RELIGIONS EVERY CHANCE I GET, SO WERE IS YOUR FRUIT,SOME 30, 60 100 FOLD.CANT PRODUCE FRUIT IN LIES.BAD SOIL.