Man did we Have a good time in White river. The Power of God showed up and changed some peoples lives. It is such an honor and privileged to watch God work.
Pastor Donald |
Jesus is our Gen 22, 48:16, Isa 63:9, 1 Jn 2:1, Rev 1:18 , 1:8, 3:14, Ex 3:2, Heb 3:1
Jesus is everything you need Him to be. He is trying to bring you into your spiritual promise land. It has already been done and repaired for you but you have some personal demons to battle first. You have to know you are More then a Conqueror Thru Christ who strengthens you. Romans 8:37 It is not by your strength but through the strength of Christ Jesus living in you and the Holy Spirit he sent to you for help.
There is No more trying to get away from God. He is going after those who are His, why you say because of the prayers of the righteous. God will get you He is EVERYWHERE. You can't run from God. You must call on Him with clean hands and a pure heart. Understand it is not religion that God desires it is a Relationship. When you hear God's word being preached and it hurts your feelings or angers you don't run from God just admit OK God you got me again and take it to Him in prayer. The Holy Spirit teaches you how to act.
Gods deliverance happens His way |
Brother James |
Come on outta Here! |
How to walk, how to talk, what to say. He tells you when to go apologize. Even if you don't feel you did anything wrong. Make peace because you can't step on or over anyone to get to Heaven. God tells us to Be ye separate and come out from amongst the world. 2 Cor 6:17 When you do this people are going to talk about you. They are supposed to. Are you trying to get to Heaven? When you get serious about getting to Heaven there is no more time for foolishness. No more games and Drama. Become conscious of God. He is ALWAYS watching/. listening. When your on your cell phone He is listening. Be aware of it so that you conduct yourself accordingly. And when you please God our word tells us it has not entered into the hearts or mind the things that God has in store for you. 1 Cor 2:9
Acts 16
Spiritually they cast out a devil from the woman that was following them. Physically there was a reaction. Anytime you do anything that effects the spiritual realm there will be a reaction in the natural. God is sick and tired of the Hypocrite church. He wants a Holy Spirit filled, sanctified, consecrated church. Get over your feelings and what you think. Its not our way its Gods way. Following the Holy Spirit. Trying to live Holy. Its Holiness or Hell. ref John 8:32
James tells us to submit ourselves unto God, resist the devil and he will flee. We must walk towards God. We must resist the devil. Not think about it, or plan to , but DO IT. Resistance happens when you fast and pray. Satan is a tempter, he tempts your flesh, fasting kills the flesh.
Don't be idle, work for God! Press in. God is callin folk right now. He will break those who are fighting and kicking like wild horses, God is going to break them and ride them right on in to the church.Why you say? The prayer of the righteous availeth much James 5:16.
Know that the God you serve is in charge of Everything. He is in charge of the wind, the rain, the whole earth. Remember when Jesus was in the boat and the wind and the waves came up and the disciples were afraid. Mark 4 Jesus commanded the wind and waves to be still and they obeyed. He has given us the authority in Jesus name. God's church has the power to effect the Heavenlies!
Joshua 6, Mark 10:46
vs 49- Jesus stood still. He stopped when blind Bartemaes reminded Him of what had happened years ago in Jerecho. The Jesus healed him. We NEED Jesus. Everyday, every night all the time we need Jesus! Those who were last shall be first and those who were first shall be last. .We will see it. Be in this race to win it! Having Jesus is our trophy We must press to be worthy of the High calling in Christ Jesus!
Praying for the people of God |
Be blessed.