Christmas has been
taught throughout generations to be a time to celebrate
the birth of Christ. During this tradition many people put Christmas trees and
decorate them with a variety of decorations. For many faiths this is the time
of the year to celebrate Christ birth and people will gather with family members
and have a feast, along with Christmas cookies, gifts under the Christmas tree,
and a Yule log on the fire. Some divisions of religion or faith have different
views of what is a biblically correct holiday, such as Christmas. Others do not
honor Christmas and celebrate Hanukkah which is also in the month of December.
Hanukkah generally lasts for eight days and can be celebrated in different
manners depending on what has been taught throughout family's generations and
their beliefs.
In the second
century after Christ birth is the earliest reference to Christmas to be on
December 25th. This time of the year marks the winter solstice that the Romans
celebrated the sun god which was later turned in the celebration of the son
instead of the sun. Christmas became acknowledged by 529 A.D. after
Christianity became the official religion in Roman Empire. However, over many
generations Christmas became the celebration of Christ's birthday. Many
families have just accepted and followed what was handed down from generation
to generation. In this celebration families will go out to find the best tree
for their home to decorate and put gift underneath. Every Christmas even families tell their
children that Santa Clause is coming with gifts if they are good. In many
families they make cookies to leave out for Santa clause along with the
lighting of the Yule log. The symbolic meaning of Christmas that most people
may not know is the organ of the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree was common
for the Pagan Rome and Pagan Egypt. It was customary to cut down a fir tree
(for the Romans) or a palm-tree (for the Egyptians). For pagan Egypt the tree was a symbol to the
Pagan Messiah as Baal-Tamor if you had a palm-tree or as Baal-Berith if you had
a fir tree. According to the Late Rev. Alexander Hislop in his research The
Babylon's it states " The mother of Adonis, the Sun-God and great
mediatorial divinity, was mystically said to have been changed into a tree, and
when in that state to have brought forth her divine son. If the mother was a
tree, the son must have been recognized as the "Man the branch." And
this entirely accounts for the putting of the Yule Log into the fire on
Christmas-eve, and the appearance of the Christmas-tree the next morning. As Zero-Ashta,
"The seed of the woman," which name also signified Ignigena, or
"born of the fire," he has to enter the fire on
"Mother-night," that he may be born the next day out of it, as the
"Branch of God," or the Tree that brings all divine gifts to
men." This brings us to the Yule
Log. The Yule Log is a symbol that is director toward the "divine child
born at the winter solstice was born as a new incarnation of the great god
(after that god had been cut in pieces), on purpose to revenge his death upon
his murderers." (Late Rev. Alexander Hislop 1858) As the tree that is
stripped of all its branches and cut down close to the ground represents the
great god being cut off in the midst of his power and glory. The Late Rev.
Alexander Hislop also states that 'the great serpent, the symbol of the life
restoring Aesculapius, twists itself around the dead stock, and lo, at its side
up sprouts a young tree--a tree of an entirely different kind, that is destined
never to be cut down by hostile power--even the palm-tree, the well-known
symbol of victory." For pagan Rome the concept was still the same concept
that symbolized the new-born God as Baal-berith, which means "Lord of the
Covenant" Which Signifies "Lord of the fir tree". Look at what
the bible says about Christmas trees. Jeremiah
10:2-4 states "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and
be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the
forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with
silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." Other families follow
what feast that Christ himself partook in and came to fulfill, this is spoken
of in John 10:22-33, Matthew 20:28 and John 8:12. Hanukkah is also spoken of in
other books of the bible that have been removed such as the book of 2nd
Maccabees 10. Hanukkah is a celebration for the Festival of lights and the
Feast of Dedication which all takes place during the month of December. This
celebration last for 8 days and nights. Each night a candle on the menorah is
lit. Along with the lighting of the candles there are food in which are eaten
that have symbolic meaning. Just to give a couple of examples horseradish is to
remind the Hebrews of the time in bondage and apple sauce is sweetness that God
has provided them. Each food that is placed on the table has significant
meaning as to why it is presented on the table.
The exact
date that Christ was born cannot be 100% proven, however the time frame of his
birth is clear and some research can be very convincing on the exact day and
year. One of the key factors in figuring the time frame that Christ was born is
the time of the year that the Sheppard's were tending their sheep. This would
have been anywhere from later summer to early autumn as to this is the time of
the year that they would have been able to be in the fields tending their
sheep. You are able to see this in Luke 2:7-8 "And she brought forth her
firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger;
because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field,
keeping watch over their flock by night." Sheppard's watching over their
flock in December would have been too cold for them. We would also need to look
at what Mary was doing before she gave birth. She was headed to Bethlehem to
respond to Caesar's request for a census. According to the Associates for Scriptural
Knowledge this census took place starting August and ending in October. This
also explains why there was no room at the inn. It was due to the Caesar's
request for the census. Let's briefly touch on astrological proof. It was
suggested in Luke 21:11, Genesis 1:14, and Revelations 12:1-5 that we should be
aware of the heavenly signs. If the star was the sign then according to
historical astrology it points his birth toward September not December. If we
look into the book of Revelations which is a very symbolic book we can see
Heavenly signs sounding Christ birth, these records would not point us toward
December 25th as Christ's birthday. If Christ's birthday is not December 25th
then whose birthday is society celebrating? According to Genesis 10: 6 and
10:8, Cush the son of Ham, begat Nimrod; whose name translates out to mean
'tyrant' or 'the rebel'. Wilhelm J
Wolfaardt stated Nimrod " led the
Sumerians of Babylon to pay tribute to the skies (sun, moon, stars, planets)
with the sacrifice of their children. The Tower of Babel was built for this
purpose, echoed in other cultures such as the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas. Since
the head of this government was such an idolatrous tyrant, Shem (Nimrod's
uncle) killed him. Nimrod's mother, Semiramis, consoled the people by making
them believe the child she carried was Nimrod "reincarnated" -- and
named him "Duzu" (Tammuz), Babylonian for the son who rises. This
Duzu went into the groves (forests) and placed a gift on a tree to honor Nimrod
each year at the winter solstice. It has been said that Duzu was the offspring
of Nimrod, who mated with his mother. Nimrod became known as Baal, meaning
LORD, and was worshipped by the Babylonians as the sun in the sky -- thus the
origin of "going to the heavens" at death." He also states that
"Trees and branches became symbols of Nimrod. Because Nimrod was "cut
down" by Shem, a tree stump became a place of honoring him. Thus, the
Hebrew Scriptures speak of the pagans going into the "groves", and
bringing a "branch to the nose", and going into the forest and
cutting down a tree, decorating it, and propping it up a so that it will not
totter. The winter solstice was the time when the sun was thought to be
"reborn", so December 25th was celebrated as Baal's (Nimrod's) birthday."
As you can see there is no proof that Christ's birthday is December 25th.
In order
to honor Christ we first must truly believe the word of the Most High
regardless of how we think or feel. John 8:32 "And Ye shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free." Many people do believe that
they are honoring Christ through celebrating Christmas by keeping their focus
on Christ himself. However the bible
states in Matthew 15:9 "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for
doctrines the commandments of men. Nowhere in the bible do we see that
Christmas was a festival or feast that we should celebrate. Look at what Mark
7:9 has to say "And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment
of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." Some other traditions that
are kept are Santa Clause putting the gift under the Christmas tree. "Who
really is Santa clause?" you may ask. According to the research done by
David C Pack (2003) the " Langer's
Encyclopedia of World History, (article “Santa”), “Santa” was a common name for
Nimrod throughout Asia Minor. This was also the same fire god who came down the
chimneys of the ancient pagans and the same fire god to whom infants were
burned and eaten in human sacrifice among those who were once God's people."
His research also states that "Today Santa Claus comes from “Saint
Nicholas.” Washington Irving, in 1809, is responsible for remaking the original
old, stern bishop of this same name into the new “jolly St. Nick” in his
Knickerbocker History of New York."
What does the bible say about all of this? Revelations 2:6 "But
this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also
hate." You can also see this in Revelations 2:15. Along with the fable of
Santa Clause, many people believe that gift giving is imitating the wise men
Matthew 2:1-11. In Matthew 2:11 it states " And when they were come into
the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and
worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto
him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh". A couple of key words to
look at here are "they saw a young child" this indicates that he was
not a baby. When they presented the gifts to him it was not at the time of his
birth nor did they exchange gifts with each other. This verse clearly states
that "they presented unto him gifts". These gifts were given to him
out of the ancient custom of the East in which they presents gifts to a king.
In this case Christ is "The King of the Hebrews". With all of this
said keep in mind what Mark 7:7 has to say "Howbeit in vain do they
worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
of what society has accepted over time in celebration of any holiday we must
always seek the truth and see what is right and wrong. Every belief system has
their own traditions whether they are biblical or not. It is ultimately up to you to seek the truth
and not allow others it influences into a truth that may not be the complete or
full truth. As you can see there are different views on if Christmas is a
biblical holiday. It is best that you seek this truth for yourself and have the
truth revealed to you.