Thursday, April 17, 2014

look at the differances in the israelite movement!

hello! my name is pastor Donald lane, and i posted different videos from two separate and different Israelite groups so you can see, how god works in the earth, i will never put a one sided view of god on this site! you must grow up and understand the deep hurt of a people, called black Hebrew Israelite, we have been destroyed by our god for disobedience to his commandments Deuteronomy 32:26, and the remembrance of us was taken away! this is not a racist site the racism started against us long ago. when Christopher Columbus landed on our people,and when the Jewish powers arrived in Africa long ago. we are simply repairing the breaches. acts 13:1 tells us the apostles were (black) and Christ came out of Judah Hebrews 7:14 and Jeremiah 14:2 tells us Judah was black and job 30:30 tells us job was black song of Solomon tells us Solomon was black 1:5-8. so who is the racist! and all of the white people are not ed-om according to scripture. Esau had sons in the earth and ed-om does not mix his bloodline period! so what people on earth dont mix with the others. ((((( the white elite ))))). they are (((((edom)))). sons of togomar. wives were Hittites. shalawam. though i do not agree with all of my brothers, you must see alternative views from the same people and then stick with the bible, and ask were is that! in scripture.